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Archive for the ‘Debt’ Category

What is a Credit Score?

Posted by Gabe Graumann on April 29, 2008

If you turn on any radio, television, or stroll through the world wide web you are bound to run across dozens of adds about improving or maintaining your credit score. What is it? How is it calculated? What’s my score? How does it really affect me? All of these are common questions when tackling the ins and outs of your credit history and the associated score. In an attempt to make what may seem complicated simple, let’s answer a few of the most frequently asked questions about the credit score.

What is a credit score? A credit score (aka debt score) is simply a number assigned to you based on how well you manage debt between 300-850, where a higher score is considered a better.

Who determines your credit score? There are three credit reporting bureaus who gather your “credit history” (aka debt history) and use it to calculate your score: Experian, TransUnion, and Equifax.

What determines my credit score? Your credit score is solely determined by your credit history and is broken down into the following categories and assigned a value by each reporting bureau as seen below.


Is my credit score important? At a glance yes. Your credit score is used by nearly every lender to determine how credit worthy, or in other words, how risky of a borrower you may be. And while most lenders look at other financial information not included in your credit score when making their decision to lend to you, most use your score as a starting point. But if you are wanting to know the complete truth, the credit score is nothing more than a debt score, meaning you have to have debt, live in debt, and continually use debt well to “build” a good credit score. If you look at all the information used to determine your credit score you will see that it has nothing to do with your income, job selection, bank account levels, job track record, savings, or even good investing over the years. It ONLY CALCULATES YOUR DEBT management!

If you follow my blog you know that my goal is to push you towards is getting out of debt so you can be free to save, invest, and truly live financially free one day. Continually living in debt just to build a better “debt” score so you can go into even more debt is not the path to winning financially. Paying off debt and becoming debt free is a sure way to free up cash flow that can be used for more important things like saving a 3-6 month emergency fund, investing for retirement, and doing anything else you want with cash!

There are several other important issues regarding your credit score and the reporting that goes in to creating it, but I don’t have the time needed to go into it all in this post. Two good references to look at on this issue are and the education tab at

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5 Good Ways to use your Tax Refund

Posted by Gabe Graumann on April 14, 2008

Are you getting a tax refund this year? If so, there are plenty of businesses that would love for you to come do a shopping with that check of yours. But before you rush out there and slap your hard earned money down for whatever tickles your fancy, try one of these less thought of options that will return bigger advantages for you and your family:

1) Pay off debt. If you’re working your way out of debt, this is a great way to speed up that process as many people receive several thousands of dollars back. This would go a long ways in meeting your goal.

2) Establish an emergency fund. Every family should have an emergency fund of 3-6 months of living expenses set aside for a rainy day. Your refund will help get this built up quickly without touching your monthly budget.

3) Fund your retirement. Make your refund work for your future by placing it in your IRA account for this upcoming year, or max out one of your other investments.

4) Fund your children’s college. If you have young children that you would like to see go to college one day, help make that dream a reality by investing in college savings plan like the 529. A few thousand dollars early on goes a long ways!

5) Make a memory. If all the above has been done, try building a memory with a family vacation instead of the typical purchases. Try traveling with your family or spouse to a new destination that you’ve always wanted to go to, or even just across town for an evening away from the norm. Make a memory!

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